Once an order has left our warehouse, we’ll send you an email with tracking info (if available) so you can watch happily as your order makes its way to your front door. After an order has left our warehouse, the time it takes to be delivered depends on the shipping method you chose during checkout.
UPS Ground / Flat Rate Shipping
If you chose Flat Rate or UPS Ground shipping for your order, and you’re wondering how long it should take to get to you, just reference this image below.
Expedited Shipping (UPS Express Saver, 2Day, & Overnight)
Below is a summary of the delivery times for the three expedited services we offer through UPS. Orders wanting an expedited shipping service must be in before 12 p.m. EST and are only available for a Monday-Friday delivery. So, if you picked overnight delivery for an order placed on Friday, delivery will be on Monday the following week, and not on Saturday.
UPS Standard Overnight: Delivery next business day by 3 p.m. to most US addresses; by 4:30 p.m. to rural areas.
UPS 2Day: Delivery by 4:30 p.m. in 2 business days to most areas; by 7 p.m. to residences.
UPS Express Saver: Delivery by 4:30 p.m. for businesses and by 7 p.m. for residences in 3 business days.